QuarterLife Girl Gets Fit!

Fitness Update

Posted on: March 3, 2010

After this afternoon’s quick post, I realized I hadn’t updated any of you on my fitness progress! Fortunately, I have kept up with my working out even if I haven’t kept up with the posting.

One of my goals last month (on QL Finances) was to workout every day. If you followed that, you’ll know that I technically failed, although the results were nothing to scoff at. Out of the 28 days of the month I missed 9 days. (Some of those were “allowed” by the P90X plan though, but I didn’t stretch or anything, which is always an option.) As of today I completed the Phase 1 of the “lean” program, and while I’m nearly a week behind (I should’ve finished up last Friday), I’m happy I’ve gone this far! While the scale hasn’t budged much (I say that’s my fault for all the cookie dough I’d been eating), I can definitely feel the difference while working out!

Now, maybe it’s psychological, but ever since I started doing the yoga without my glasses I’m FINALLY making it through without major cheating/skipping! Granted, there are lots of moves that I stumble and struggle with, but I no longer sit out moves due to having no endurance. Maybe no glasses gets me in the zone? Maybe it keeps me from focusing on the fact that I don’t want to do something, or that I couldn’t in the past? I don’t know, but I’m not jinxing things….I’ve done the yoga without glasses about 4 times now and I plan to keep doing so, lol. I’ve also noted improved flexibility….and I’m SO thrilled about that! (I can do the seated hamstring stretches holding my heels with my elbows almost touching the floor!! I can also do the right angle pose while holding my hands under my legs! Well, barely….but only because by that time my legs are dying.)

As for the cardio, core, and Kenpo workouts I almost look forward to them, and I can make it through all the moves (tiny breaks still needed between some parts though). I can FEEL myself getting stronger!

The only parts I haven’t made progress on are with pull-ups….and that’s my own fault. The last two times I did the workout (it’s legs and back) I skipped out on the “back” part, so I haven’t worked on them in three weeks.

So that’s all for now. We’ll see where my weight goes from here, but the biggest motivation for me is the visual and psychological results. My old jeans don’t fit yet, but I feel fabulous most of the time, and I swear it looks as though I’m slightly thinner and more toned than I was a month ago.

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Goal Progress

Weight Goal: 140 lbs
Starting Weight: 159.0 lbs (Starting 1/12/09)
Current Weight: 162.0 lbs
Weight Lost: -3.0 lbs
Pounds left to first mini-goal (157.0): 5.0 lbs
Pounds left to lose: 22.0 lbs
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