QuarterLife Girl Gets Fit!

Archive for October 2009

Excuse my absense for the past week and a half. I’d like to blame it on the fact that I no longer have a reliable internet connection, but truthfully, I went close to a week without working out. On the bright side, I did go for a run yesterday and completed my full routine! That includes two 3 minute intervals of running, and two 5 minute intervals of running!! I’m so proud of myself!

I’m going to try and not just stop there, but it’ll be tough since my week nights are packed with other plans. I’ll either have to go running in the dark, or settle for a DVD in the safety of my apartment. Hehe.

Hopefully I’ll be reconnected again soon and by then I hope to have broken some more personal fitness barriers.

Until then!

Not my best week exercise-wise, nor food-wise. But at least I’m chugging along….

Friday, 10/2

I’m not sure why, but I decided to check out the Biggest Loser Yoga on Friday. (Maybe it was too dark to run?) I started, got through the warm-ups just fine, but just as Bob was getting into the real workout something just didn’t feel right. My left foot was hurting, I felt kinda scatter-brained and couldn’t get the transitions right…..it just wasn’t happening. I decided to quit while I was still ahead, and call it a night. I’m not proud of that decision, but sometimes you just have one of those days. (Fortunately it looks like a real workout, and a challenge for me, so I’ll be trying it out again soon.

Saturday, 10/3

I woke up too late for my morning run! Ugh! At 10am I stepped out to see if I could handle the sun/heat. It was super hot, and without breakfast I knew I wouldn’t last very long. Instead I pulled out my exercise ball and did another round of Core Secrets (Ab Attack!). I think I’m either doing something wrong, because I’m not getting my ass kicked on this workout. I mean, I do work my abs, but shouldn’t it be harder? lol. Maybe I should do it with a mirror next to me to make sure I’m using proper posture….

After my pottery class (it was 4:30-ish) I thought I could perhaps have some time to squeeze in a run. I could’ve, but on the drive back I started getting a headache. By the time I got to the apartment it was really bad. So, no workout for me. I took a nap instead.

Sunday, 10/4

Again, woke up too late for a run. The BF and I had plans though, to go on a walking tour of downtown. We spent the afternoon walking and sweating in the sun, so I’m considering that my workout for the day, lol.

Monday, 10/5

After work, I had the full intention to go for my run. However, the closer I got to my apartment, the darker and gloomier it started to look. GREAT. By the time I got there I was almost sure it was going to be pouring any minute. Instead I pulled out a Zumba DVD and got right to work (I had told my parents I was meeting them for dinner, thus my rush). Well, I had used the DVD years ago, and I felt really silly. I couldn’t imagine why I’d bought that stuff. Eventually though it did get my heart rate up so it wasn’t a complete loss. I’ll try it another few times before I completely  give up on it.

After my workout I looked out the window…..and the pavement was completely dry!!! I felt cheated! I was so mad, in fact, that I pulled out my stopwatch and RoadID and I went out for a short run anyway. I decided it was too late for my full C25k workout (it was pretty dark), but I wanted find out how far I could run before stopping. I made it to 3 minutes! (lol, doesn’t sound like it, but that’s a big accomplishment for me.) Then I turned around,walked 1.5 minutes, did another 2 minutes of running, walked for another minute, then ran the last minute. It doesn’t sound like much, but by the time I got home I was DRIPPING in sweat. (Although that could’ve had something to do with the humidity, lol.) The best part: I felt great. I may have to squeeze in these short runs more often….I don’t have to run too far (and stay in the well lit areas), and I get to test how far I can run in one shot. Plus, it gets my blood flowing like nothing else!

Tuesday, 10/6

Didn’t go to dance class this week either. =[

Wednesday, 10/7

I almost didn’t go out for a run today, since I started feeling a bit sniffly and just generally crappy. However, after reaching for and eating king sized Heath bar, I realized I had to get off my ass before I did more damage. I did surprisingly well on my first 3 minutes, and the first 5 minute interval wasn’t as bad as I thought! Of course, I struggled near the end (and took a 10 second break when I got to my “turnaround” point….can’t run and do sharp turns) but I finished without wanting to die! I decided to quit right before the last 5-minute interval though. It was pretty dark. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

One thing of note, I’ve noticed a few times now that near the end of my workout various parts of my feet start tingling (like tiny pin pricks). What do you think this is?! I got some pain once that I decided was due to tying my laces too tight, but this has happened several times even though I’ve loosened up a bit. I dunno, just thought I’d mention that…

Thursday, 10/8

I actually didn’t go to my Thursday dance class last week, but I went tonight!

A week is a long time, and I’ve felt weird not posting at all for any random readers to read, lol. So, I got ahead by one day. Oh well. I happen to know that my workout tonight is going to be dance class, so no biggie.

I’m trying this weekly format for a bit until I fall into some kind of rhythm. I hope this doesn’t get too boring!

Friday, 9/25

After the wimpy yoga on Thursday, I decided to step it up a bit with my workout. I still couldn’t find my 30 Day Shred DVD, but I DID find my core secrets! Now that I have the large ball (I used to just have a small one, which kept me from using the DVD) I decided to give it a shot. I’m not going to say it was a complete disappointment, but I thought I remembered it to be a lot more challenging! Don’t get me wrong, it did work my abs, but it didn’t get my heart rate nearly as much as I thought it would. Did I do something wrong? Or is that just a testament to how much belly dancing has helped improve my core strength?

Saturday, 9/26

Woke up sore from the Core Secrets workout! (It did work!) Not so much that I couldn’t function, but it was definitely noticeable with certain movements! No other workout today, but I did stretch my abs throughout the day. (I’m telling you, my upper abs are especially sore!)

Sunday, 9/27

I thought Sunday would be another lost day since I overslept and didn’t get out for my early run, but I ended up getting home early from my visit to the parents house and went for a run in the evening. Nothing remarkable about it, except that this was the 2nd time I made it through all the intervals! I still struggled with the last minute, but I made myself do it. Total time 34:48. (Week 3 of the C25k)

Monday, 9/28

I got home exhausted after work and decided to rest for “just a minute”. I ended up doing nothing. Bummer.

Tuesday, 9/29

See Monday’s recap. I did nothing. Not even the “Biggest Loser Yoga” workout I got from Netflix!

Wednesday, 9/30

I finally went out for a run today. After my bed was delivered and my boyfriend left….I had nothing better to do. Again, I did the full C25k Week 3 routine (go me!). The worst part is halfway through I kept thinking to myself “this feels good. It’s true what they say that no one ever regrets going out for a run. Only skipping them.” which just left me wanting to kick myself for staying in the past two days. Ugh.

Total time – 32:31 (C25k Week 3). Oh, and I didn’t shave off two minutes from my time, lol. I turned around a tad earlier so that I would be on the busier side of the neighborhood when it got dark.

Running is a funny thing. At least for me, and at the point where I am. The challenge is definitely distracting myself. In the beginning it was about “ok, I just need to make it another 30 seconds!” when the interval was only 1 minute, or even 90 seconds. However as I get into the longer intervals I need to start “working on” distracting myself (sounds like a contradiction). I can’t exactly listen to music, other than what is playing on my podcast since I depend on it to time my intervals (best invention ever, really….), so I’m not sure what to do. Any suggestions? The real challenge will start when I get to 5 minutes next week, and even longer the weeks after that.

Thursday, 10/1

Today is dance class. No runs for me today!

And that was my week. A few disappointing days that I decided to stay in, but the two days I ran and the ab workout kept it from being a total loss. I’m happy that I feel myself progressing every day, and I’m moving on to Week 4 of C25k next week. Yikes! From what I recall this is the week they add on the 5 minute interval. I’m going to try to NOT think about this at all until it’s time to run. I find myself dreading my runs whenever I think about these longer times, when I shouldn’t! That’s what working out is about! Challenging your body, and seeing the results as the challenges get slightly easier each day.

Goal Progress

Weight Goal: 140 lbs
Starting Weight: 159.0 lbs (Starting 1/12/09)
Current Weight: 162.0 lbs
Weight Lost: -3.0 lbs
Pounds left to first mini-goal (157.0): 5.0 lbs
Pounds left to lose: 22.0 lbs
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